Rewards Summary

Rewards and their mechanisms, in a nutshell:

  • AXN: Upon staking, you earn WETH, esAXN, and Multiplier Points.

  • esAXN: Staking yields WETH, esAXN, and Multiplier Points.

  • Multiplier Points: These augment WETH token APRs upon staking.

  • ALP: It fetches BASE-native tokens and esAXN; automatically staked upon creation.

Managing Rewards Summary

The options to manage rewards are on the Earn page.

A summary of the options:

  • Stake Multiplier Points: This will claim and stake your Multiplier Point rewards.

  • Claim AXN Rewards: This will claim any pending AXN tokens from esAXN that has been vested and converted to AXN tokens.

  • Stake AXN Rewards: This will stake the AXN after it has been claimed.

  • Claim esAXN Rewards: This will claim any pending esAXN rewards.

  • Stake esAXN Rewards: This will stake the esAXN after it has been claimed.

  • Claim WETH / BASE Rewards: This will claim any pending WETH / BASE rewards.

  • Convert WETH / BASE to ETH / BASE: This will convert the claimed WETH / BASE rewards to ETH / BASE.

These options can be accessed through either the "Compound" or "Claim" button on the Earn page.

Last updated