
Tokenomics Introduction

AXN - Axiodex's Power Token

Unlocking the true potential of the platform, AXN is not just a token; it's an experience. Holding AXN promises a suite of exclusive perks, making leveraged trading seamless and rewarding.

Token Contract Address

  • AXN Token Address:

    • On Base: 0xeC7ACba6FeDb7EbfBc0F44F8F0bC6fC39543E28a

AXN Supply Metrics

AXN has a ceiling supply of 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) tokens. The circulating matrix depends on the vesting rate and tokens reserved for marketing collaborations.

AXN allocation specifics

Total supply at launch: 1,000,000,000 AXN (1 Billion)

  • Private Sale: 250,000,000 AXN (25%)

  • Presale: 60,000,000 AXN (6%)

  • Team & CEX listing (Vested): 140,000,000 AXN (14%)

  • Marketing: 50,000,000 AXN (5%)

  • Vaulting Rewards: 400,000,000 AXN (40%)

  • Initial liquidity: 100,000,000 AXN (10%)


ALP is an aggregate of Axiodex liquidity pool assets curated for swaps and leveraged trading. Its value is derived from dividing the entire worth of indexed assets (including both gains and losses) by the ALP supply. Liquidity providers earn fees from leverage trading, borrowing fees, and swaps.


esAXN stands for Escrowed AXN. esAXN is the token that is dispersed as rewards to holders of AXN and ALP. As a holder fills their bag with esAXN they will be able to claim esAXN that can then be either staked to receive more rewards or vaulted. When esAXN is vaulted, it converts to AXN over a period of 365 days. The resulting AXN can be sold for profit, or restaked to earn rewards.

Staking, Claiming, and Vaulting

Unlike AXN and esAXN, ALP is automatically staked for rewards. ALP also receives the highest share of taxes and fees as rewards. AXN and esAXN should be staked to receive rewards.

Service Fees Revenue Sharing Distribution

The fees amassed by the platform, denominated in the Base chain's native token, are apportioned as:

  • 60% earmarked for ALP Stakers

  • 30% channeled to AXN & esAXN Stakers

  • 5% set aside for the developer team

  • 5% allocated for marketing and operations

Buy/Sell Tax Revenue Sharing Distribution

(NB: At launch the taxes will start high at 40% and slowly be reduced to 5% as time progresses. Please visit our TG or Discord channels, close to, or on launch day for more details.)

The buy/sell tax of 5% applies to the AXN token. To benefit the protocol, initially all of the taxes will be going towards building liquidity to support leveraged trading. Once the team decides that we have collected enough starting liquidity, the collected taxes will be distributed as follows:

  • 50% redistributed to AXN holders

  • 50% team allocation for marketing, buybacks, and the team needs to eat

Learn more about the Axiodex Ecosystem

See "Stake AXN for Rewards" to learn more about AXN staking. See "Hold ALP for Rewards" and "Providing Liquidity using ALP" to learn more about ALP Rewards. Please see "Vault esAXN for AXN Rewards" to learn more about esAXN.

Also see "Multiplier Points and Compounding" to learn how even more rewards are available!

Kickstart your AXN staking journey by accessing the Earn section in our dApp.

Last updated